Vinyl cutter

Vinyl cutter session started off by Mr. Fransisco asking us to install the inkscape software (2D CAD) to be used in order to make a nice stickers through the vinyl cutter machine. Also, he asked us to download Fab software, so we can use the vinyl cutter as a printer.

Once we removed the vinyl cutter machine from it’s package Mr. Fransisco asked me to remove all the cartoon pieces and polystyrenes that have been placed inside the machine to protect her parts during the shipment process.

Then Mr. Fransisco guided us to install the machine and providing us with a very critical notes regarding the installation of machine parts which can be summarized as follow:

In order to make a sticker we have to draw it in 2D CAD software which is inkscape; this software is used to make a vector, so we can have a sticker with a very good quality. And the steps that we have followed in order to make a sticker can be summarized as follows:

After the machine had finished making my sticker, I cut my sticker and started removing the extra parts from my logo by using tweezers.

Then I put a tape on it, and now it is ready to be sticked.

After that I removed the sticker and I put her on it's final place.

Finally, I removed the tape. Mr. Fransisco recommended us to be care when removing the tape out from the sticker.